- Free Climbing
Rock-climbing techniques to use tools only for the safety course, do not directly affect the movement of climber / add height. Should be done by two people. Climber rose in turn, the leader (making point) and the belayer (the security).
Is climbing a cliff with the aid of additional equipment, as often encountered terrain that is less / not provide support or opportunities for sufficient movement suppose there is a blank field. Usually the climb is done in groups with a clear assignment between the leader and belayer.
- Free soloing
Is part of the free climbing, but the climbers face any risk in a self-help movement does not require safety equipment. To do this a climber should really know all forms of barriers or other forms of movement will be done on a route that will be passed. Even sometimes must be memorized before any movement of either pedestal or handles, so this is usually done on a route that once passed.
Under the system of belay / fall protection, rock climbing is divided into several categories:
In this type, belayer at the bottom (ground) with dibelokan rope anchor system (pullay or carabiner) above the climber. If the climber falls, the weight of climbers were going dibelokan by an anchor system which then held by the belayer.
In this type, does not protrude into the anchor rope safety at the top of the cliff rather than direct belayer to climber. When the climbers began climbing, rope belayer held, then at a certain altitude intervals (eg every 3 meters) climber continues to install safety devices, if he falls the belayer will lock the safety rope and the climber will hang on the ropes that extend upward to the latest safety devices he pairs. Divided 2:
- Top roping
In this type, belayer at the top (top) who perform on the belay rope to the climber down. To reduce the burden on hold belayer when the climber falls, usually made of safety auxiliary systems (deflection or load transfer).
- Sport Climbing
Is a greater emphasis on climbing gym factor. Climbing is seen as well as other sports, namely to maintain health. Sport climbing on the climbing route generally has bolted (at intervals of a certain height there is a cliff hanger on the wall.)
- Traditional / Trad / Adventure Climbing
Is a greater emphasis on climbing adventure factor. In Trad Climbing, climbing walls clean of bolts and hangers, baseball does not have artificial safety mounted on the wall. Usually done by two people. Climber must bring their own safety equipment and installing it at the time of climbing. When the rope was running out Leader make belay station to membelay Climber second. Climber who previously membelay first climbers started climbing cliffs and clean (take back), safety devices mounted on the wall of the cliff by the first climber.
Based on the level of difficulty, rock climbing can be divided into 2 categories:
- Climbing Crag, a free climbing, and in its implementation can be done in two ways:
- Single pitch climbing: in climbing is not required to stop in the middle to secure the second.
- Multi-pitch climbing: climbing is done on a higher cliff and needed change of leader. Each climber starting and ending on the terrace adequate to safeguard themselves and to secure the second person (second man)
- Big Wall Climbing, a type of climbing at a place higher than Crag Climbing and takes several days, sufficient equipment and require adjustment of the schedule climbing, food, bedding, etc.. In climbing bigwall there are two systems used are:
- Alpine System / Alpine Push / Siege Tactic. In alpine push, there is always a climber on the cliff and sleep in the precipice. So all the equipment and supplies and the need for climbing brought to the top. Climbers do not need to go down before climbing over. Climbing is only considered successful if all the climbers have reached the summit.
- Himalayan System / Himalayan Tactic. Climbing system that is usually with a long route so as to achieve the target (top) take a long time. Big wall climbing is done until the afternoon, after which the climber should fall to the base camp to rest and continue climbing the next day. Some tools are still stuck on the cliff to facilitate climbing further. Ascent of this type usually consists of several groups and places peristirahat. So with the success of one person from the whole team, it means that this climb has been successful for the entire team
Differences from Alpine and Himalayan System System are:
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by. Sanji Akbar (San Rise) |
- The instrument used fewer
- A little time off
- Need to carry load
- Ascent successful when the entire team succeed
- Tools needed more and longer climbing time
- A lot of time off
- No need for a carry load
- Ascent has been told to succeed when one member of the team successfully