Rock-climbing techniques to use tools only for the safety course, do not directly affect the movement of climber / add height. Should be done by two people. Climber rose in turn, the leader (making point) and the belayer (the security).
by. Kumal Silvagama |
- Artificial Climbing
Is climbing a cliff with the aid of additional equipment, as often encountered terrain that is less / not provide support or opportunities for sufficient movement suppose there is a blank field. Usually the climb is done in groups with a clear assignment between the leader and belayer.
Is part of the free climbing, but the climbers face any risk in a self-help movement does not require safety equipment. To do this a climber should really know all forms of barriers or other forms of movement will be done on a route that will be passed. Even sometimes must be memorized before any movement of either pedestal or handles, so this is usually done on a route that once passed.
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