Land navigation is a technique to determine the position and direction of the track on the map or on the actual terrain (particularly on the mainland). This skill is absolutely owned by the fans of outdoor activities because it will facilitate our journey into the particular area we do not know at all In addition, these skills are very useful in the search for victims of accidents or natural disasters to get lost it is necessary to understand and map and compass use techniques .
Essence Map
Map is a picture of the earth's surface above the plane in which they were correct scaled size can be accounted for visually or mathematically that provide information about the Earth
Form Map
Whole map can be classified based on the scale / scope Kedar intended use of the image projection area, signs and symbols on the map matches the level of information accuracy of the survey process and the content / information. From the standpoint of content / information contained on a map there are 2 types of maps based on this class, namely:
Topographic Map
Thematic Map
Topographic map is the one we use in land navigation activity.
Topography is a combination of words topos meaning place and graphi which means drawing from ancient greek. So topographic map means a map depicting the position of horizontal and vertical positions of all the objects that make up or are in the earth's surface. The content consists of 4 characteristics, namely: relief (height), water (such as rivers, lakes), Plants (Forest, shrubs, coconut) and the results of human culture (roads, buildings, bridges). This map is usually called general map because it is more complete.
Job Title
The title of the map is on the top of the center of the map. The title of the map stating the location indicated by the map in question.
Map No.
No maps are usually listed on the right. Usually the bottom of the index sheet is included also lists their numbers on the map that is around the map.
Map Coordinates
Is the position of a point on the map. Koordianat determined by using a system of axes, namely the lines that intersect perpendicularly.
Coordinate system was officially adopted there are two ways:
- Geographic Coordinates
The axis used is the longitude (west longitude and the longitude east) perpendicular to the equator and latitudes (latitude north and south latitude) are parallel to the equator.
Graphic coordinates expressed in units of degrees, minutes and seconds.
- Coordinate Grid
In the grid coordinates of the position of a point expressed in the size range of reference points. For the Indonesian territory zero reference point in the west of Jakarta (6o LU, 98O BT).
Vertical lines given the serial number from south to north, while the horizontal line given a serial number from west to east.
Know the numbering system of coordinates with 4,6,8 and 14 figures. For large areas use a numbering 4 or 6 digits and for a more narrow area with numbering 8 or 14 digits.
Is an imaginary line connecting the dots - same-altitude point of the sea.
Map Scale
Is the ratio between the distance on the map with the horizontal distance in the field. There are two ways of writing the scale, namely:
- A. Scale point 1: 25,000 means 1 cm distance on the map = 25 000 cm (250 m) horizontal distance in actual field
- B. Scale line
Year Map
Explain about the making of year.
Year Map
Explain about the making of year.
Map Directions
Noteworthy is the north of the map (grid north). The easiest way is to look at the letters that exist on the map.
- Actual North (U.S.) is the direction to the north pole of the earth through which the longitude and meridian.
- Magnetic North (UM) is the direction to the north pole magnet indicated by the compass needle
- Northern Grid (UG / UP) is the north line indicated by the vertical line on a map which is also called Northern maps.
Because of the influence of the earth's rotation, the location of the poles megnetis shift from year to year, which caused the magnetic variation. For practical purposes and iktilaf magnetic variation (deviation toward the north) we can ignore. But for the sake of which require high accuracy, the above condition should come with us into account as well.
- Ktilaf Map is a different angle between true north with the northern map, which occurs because of flattening parallel distance longitude map coordinates of the earth into a vertical line in the draw on the map, or the angle between the U.S. and UP.
- Iktilaf Magnetic is the difference angle between true north with north megnetis. IM westward when the tip of the compass needle is in the western U.S. On the contrary IMs east tip of the needle when the compass is on the eastern U.S.
- Iktilaf Map-Magnetic, is different from the northern corner of the map with magnetic north
- Magnetic Variation, is the shift in point of magnetic north from time to time. Positive shift indicates shift towards the east is negative means that a shift towards the west.
Map Legend
This legend contains the meaning of symbols used on the map.
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Properties of Contour Lines
- Contour lines with a lower height surrounds the contour lines are always higher, except where noted specifically for certain things like a crater.
- Contour lines never intersect.
- The difference between the two contour line height is fixed even though the density of the lines vary.
- Area has flat contours are sparse area has steep contours of the meeting.
- Ridge mountains / hills visible on the map as a series of contour shape of "U" which ends curving away from the peak.
- The valley seen in the map as a series of contour shape of "V" that sharp edges and jutting toward the top.
Point Triangulation
The point of this height is a point or an object in the form of pillar / pillar that states a place of high relative sea level.
Various kinds of triangulation points:
Δ P.140 Δ S.140
78 79
Primary Secondary
Know the signs Map
The forms or striking landscape in the field and easily recognizable on the map which we will call as a sign of the field.
- The peak of the mountain or hill, the valley between two peaks.
- Meeting of creeks, cliffs, rivers.
- Branch roads, bridges, end of the village, crossroads
Is the direction pointing device, ie the north magnetic properties of the earth caused by kemagnetisannya because these properties will keep the compass, especially when using them from the influence of objects made of steel or iron, because it will cause the wrong pointer on the dial.
Parts of the Compass
- In general, the compass consists of:
- Board, where other components are protected
- The needle, which always shows the earth's magnetic north
- Pointer Scale, Showing Distribution of degree / mile as the unit system of the wind direction.
Compass Type
There are many types of existing compass we can use in the course in the basics can be differed as follows:
- Compass orienterring for practical purposes but has a poor accuracy. Often referred to as a compass Silva (brand name)
- Compass takes aim at other navigation equipment to kelengkapanya, but its accuracy is very high. Compass of this scene can be differed based glass readers: lens compass, prismatic compass, compass orienteering compass Optics.
Protractor or Protaktor
Protaktor protractor or there are several forms of degree that we can use the circle, half circle, square of squares, but for practicality and completeness, protaktor more promising, because in addition to the distribution of the wind direction in degrees and miles are also available length scales of measurement and the umbilical cord to extend the measurement and calculation of azimuth and back azimuth.
Other support equipment such as rulers, altimeter to help determine the height and sophisticated equipment to determine positions directly by using the help of the GPS satellites (Global Positioning System).
Determining Coordinates
The coordinates are the position of something on a map, which is a meeting vertical and horizontal lines of a topographic map sheets. Coordinate system that officially there are two kinds:
- Geographic Coordinates, often called the system of longitude and latitude. The axis used is the longitude (west and east longitude) which is perpendicular to the Equator and latitude (latitude North and South) which is parallel to the equator. The coordinates are expressed in minutes, degrees, and seconds
- Grid coordinates, in this system the position of a point expressed in the size range of reference points (grid).
Azimuth and azimuth BACK
Azimuth is defined as a horizontal angle measured clockwise from a base line or a short corner from the current point to the north of the observer. Because there are three types of the north (UP, UM, U.S.), the azimuth also there are 3 types based on the three northern direction, ie Azimuth Map, Magnetic azimuth, and true azimuth. To make the trajectory remains on a straight line, we can walk from one point to another with a fixed compass point (cut corners), can use the technique of back azimuth. Back azimuth is the angle the direction of a line seen by the opposite direction.
Steps to cut corners:
- Determine the point of beginning and end of the journey, plot on a map, draw a straight line and calculate the compass angle and back angle azimutnya.
- Aim compass according to the angle between the starting and end point
- When using a compass orienteering, turn the ring until the sign (the letter N) on the compass piece with red needles. In principle, the same compass viewfinder.
- Shot compass to turn back as a back azimuth angle of the sign of the field to check whether we still are at the desired trajectory.
Orientation maps are equalized map with actual field. For this purpose we need to know the signs that exist in the location field and mencocokanya with the existing contours on the map. For practical purposes compass north (magnetic) can be considered parallel to the north regardless of actual deklinasinya.
Step-by-step orientation on the map:
- Find a place that is open to see signs of a marked field (identifiable)
- Put the map on a flat field
- Equalized map with the north compass north, so the map in accordance with the existing landscape.
- Look for signs in the location field and himpitkan with a terrain that is on the map (such as roads, rivers, etc.)
- Excluding deklinasinya, put the compass in such a way that the principal axis compass is located above the baseline pieces left or right map and we play a map and compass until the compass needle terletek one line by line map.
Used to know our position on the map by using two or more sign that we are familiar terrain. Not all field signs should we aim at, like when we are in the other river in the viewfinder.
Resection steps:
- Perform orientation map
- Determine at least two signs on the ground and we measured field azimuth and back azimutnya. The angle between the two marks where we are at least 30 degrees field of maximum 150 degrees
- Pull back the azimuth of the two point field so happens the intersection between the two.
- The intersection of these is our position on the map.
This method is used to know or to determine the position of a point or an object in the field on the map by using the position of B is searched first position A is searched first point, which sought two or more signs of terrain.
The steps are:
- Perform orientation maps and resection to determine our position at this point A.
- Take an object from titk A, note the azimuth and back azimutnya.
- Moving to another position and orientation as well as resection to determine our position on the B.
- Take an object from titk B, note the azimuth and back azimutnya.
- The intersection of the azimuth from point A and B are objects in our location.
With signs of nature for example:
- The Tombs of Islam is always facing north
- Is always facing the Qibla Mosque
- Section showing a thick mossy plant east because the sun is not sunny in the morning
By using the hour hand
- Can only be used for areas far from the equator (at least 23 degrees N or S).
- Areas north of the equator: the short needles are directed into the sun, the direction between the hour hand and the number 12 indicates the direction south.
- Areas south of the Equator: point number 12 to the sun. The direction between number 12 and the short needle showed the north.
By using the Star
- Southern Star (Zuider crotch), when we connect the stars are farthest from each other and then we draw an imaginary line to the cutting edge of the sky, then the meeting is a meeting point that is south.
- Big Dipper star, when connected to these stars will form a picture Plow. The line from the star that is located in line will indicate the direction north.
- Constellation Crux (cross star / Shack Penceng), extension of a diagonal line that cuts the horizon from where we are toward the south.
- The direction of the moon, stars and the sun which rises in the east and sets in the west.