Cliff Bedoyo

Location Overview

Bedoyo Cliff - Yogyakarta Province is one of the provinces which became the center of sport rock climbing. This is because many natural rock climbers a place to channel his hobby.

One of the quarry cliff climbers are climbing Bedoyo. Geographically, cliffs Bedoyo Ngalasombo located in Hamlet, Village Bedoyo, District Ponjong, Kab. Gunung Kidul.

by. Kumal Silvagama
Bedoyo Cliff is one of the karst cliffs and rocks. Bedoyo rocks on the cliff is quite rock is quite soft, but there are some spots that have high hardness.

The cliffs are located to the left of the road that stands firmly on land owned by Mr. Maryono. He is one of the residents who lived adjacent to the cliff where Bedoyo. Maryono father's residence residence can also be used as Basecamp for climbers who stayed on the cliff Bedoyo.

Cliff Bedoyo Bedoyo located in the village can be reached within 1.5 hours from the city center. Access to the path is from the city of Yogyakarta on the road Wonosari which then uses the path-Pacitan Wonosari. On the cliff Bedoyo has 2 paths Sport track named one of 629 lines made in February 2010 by the ragged (Mapala Silvagama).

The line was composed of 5 hanger with the form lines overhangs with grade 5.10. Specification has 629 lines and keeping holes and cracks that can be used as pegangan.Selain 629 channels have also spot the cliff that is often used by climbers with climbing type artificial climbing. For those of you who have never been and want to try this Bedoyo cliff, tebng this be an alternative to rock your hobby.

By : Kumal

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