Overview Parangndog Cliff location
Cliff parangndog village situated Watu Gupit, Gabuk, Giri Cahyo, Purwo Sari, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Precisely on the east coast parangtritis, if we look at the fence east of the ridge will be visible, or from areas high. Cliff in Parangndok manifold or karst limestone. Inauguration name into the cliffs by the Joint Secretariat parangndog Student natural care Yogyakarta, namely in 1998.
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by. Kumal Silvagama |
Access to the cliff Parangndog is very easy. From the terminal Giwangan Yogyakarta can use the mini bus with travel time about 1 hour with majors Parangtritis. Arriving at the terminal Parangtritis, from the east you'll see the sturdy cliffs Parangndog.
To reach the cliff Parangndok, can be reached by foot with the track uphill and takes about About a half hour. In addition to using public transport mini-bus, can also use a chartered car that is in terminal Giwangan. If using a private vehicle is within about 45 minutes.
Arriving at the location Parangndog, you will be pampered with a very beautiful natural scenery. One of them is the beach seen from the runway Parangtritis paragliding. The foundation is paragliding parapemanjat commonly used to relax for a moment to see the beauty of the beach from a height Parangtritis. From this place, you can see the sunset if the weather is sunny. Apart from being the instigators of paragliding, the foundation is also commonly visited by young people who are mixing the atmosphere of romantic love because it's natural beauty Parangtritis beach panorama.
Location Parangndog cliff also has general advice such as food stalls and pavilion are very helpful activities of rock climbing. Is Maryati or more familiarly called Yu Mar always wait for her little shop. In Yu-owned shop in March are available various kinds of food and beverages that can be purchased by the climbers. In addition there are also marquee stalls that can be used free of climbers who stayed parangndog location.
Climbing On Line Preview Cliff Parangndog
Cliff will be stretched to the north where there is a path leap (Kumbo and Heri Kecik, FPTI DIY), so is the point Ants (lane Classical), just off the north side there is a fairly large crack, this path or lane called Samsu Rijal Boker . There north of the Red Line White (Caste Surbakti, GAPADRI), or better known as "9 Bor". Actually there is a path between the line 9 Drill with crack Samsu Rijal, called UNISBA Line, which will top the path is equal to topnya samsul rijal. Somewhat to the north of 9Bor there is a path called the path "ASU" (Agus Asu, Madawirna) this path is full of shrubs. In the north there Parangndog cliff cliff that stands alone apart from Cliff Parangndog, her name is Cliff Purple track was known as the Purple Line (Agus Asu, Madawirna). To the west line of small cliffs brandalterdapat a stand-alone, on the cliff there is a path, called path 12 Through (Tedi Ixdiana, Skygers), because once past the hour 12:00 arael complex is protected from sunburn.
Cleaning up the cliff trakhir conducted in 2000 by Sky Gers. For current conditions, many pathways is not feasible for the climb. This is because the hanger which is used as pangaman so many have corroded due to corrosion. Understand it, Parangndok cliff is only about 1 kilometer from the shoreline Parangtritis. So that damage to the hanger due to very rapid corrosion. For that we need a return path for the cliff Parangndog rejuvenation can be a cool sport channels and challenging to climb.
By: Kumal